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Youth Female/ 9-10 years/ White Yellow belt/ -35 kg adjusted division — (Day 1)
Youth Male/ 11-12 years/ white/Yellow belt/ -53 male (Day 1)
Youth Female / 11 to 12 years / Orange/Green Belt / -34kg female (Day 1)
Youth Male/ 11-12 years/ white/Yellow belt/ -53 male (Day 1)
Youth Female/ 11-12 years/ Orange/ Green belt/ - 48 kg female (Day 1)
Youth Female / 11 to 12 years / Orange/Green Belt / -34kg female (Day 1)
Youth Male/ 11-12 years/White/Yellow belt/-44 Adjusted division — (Day 1)
Youth Male/ 11-12 years/ white/Yellow belt/ -53 male (Day 1)
Youth Female 11 to 12 years/ White /Yellow belt/ -39kg adjusted division — (Day 1)
Youth Male/ 11-12 years/ white/Yellow belt/ -53 male (Day 1)
Youth Male / 11 to 12 years / Orange/Green Belt / -34kg male (Day 1)
Youth Female/ 11-12 years/ Orange/ Green belt/ - 48 kg female (Day 1)
Youth Male/ 9-10 years/ Orange Belt/ -48 adjusted division — (Day 1)
Youth Female / 11 to 12 years / Orange/Green Belt / -34kg female (Day 1)
Youth Male / 11 to 12 years / Orange/Green Belt / -34kg male (Day 1)
Youth Male/ 11-12 years/ white/Yellow belt/ -53 male (Day 1)
Youth Female/ 10-11 years/ White/ Yellow belt/ -30 female adjusted division — (Day 1)
Youth Male/ 11-12 years/White/Yellow belt/-44 Adjusted division — (Day 1)
Youth Female / 11 to 12 years / Orange/Green Belt / -34kg female (Day 1)
Youth Male / 11 to 12 years / Orange/Green Belt / -31kg male (Day 1)
Youth Female 11 to 12 years/ White /Yellow belt/ -39kg adjusted division — (Day 1)
Youth Male/ 11-12 years/White/Yellow belt/-44 Adjusted division — (Day 1)
Youth Male/ 11-12 years/ white/Yellow belt/ -53 male (Day 1)
Youth Male/ 11-12 years/White/Yellow belt/-44 Adjusted division — (Day 1)
Youth Female / 13 to 14 years / Blue/Purple/Brown/Black Belt / -53kg female (Day 1)
Youth Female / 13 to 14 years / Blue/Purple/Brown/Black Belt / -53kg female (Day 1)
Youth Male/ 11-12 years/White/Yellow belt/-44 Adjusted division — (Day 1)
Youth Male/ 11-12 years/ white/Yellow belt/ -53 male (Day 1)
Youth Male/ 11-12 years/White/Yellow belt/-44 Adjusted division — (Day 1)
Youth Male/ 11-12 years/ white/Yellow belt/ -53 male (Day 1)
Youth Female / 13 to 14 years / Blue/Purple/Brown/Black Belt / -53kg female (Day 1)
Youth Male/ 11-12 years/ white/Yellow belt/ -53 male (Day 1)