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{{ club.name}}
Youth Male / Novice ( White or Yellow Belt) / 5 & 6 year old Male - 22 kg Split Division — (Day 1)
Youth Male / Novice ( White or Yellow Belt) / 9 & 10 year old Male - 33 kg Split Division — (Day 1)
Adult Male / Intermediate ( Orange, Green, and Blue Belts) / +100 kg Adult (Day 1)
(Youth Male/ Novice/White or Yellow Belt/7 & 8 year old Male -27 Split Division (Day 1)
Youth Male / Novice ( White or Yellow Belt) / 5 & 6 year old Male - 22 kg Split Division — (Day 1)
Youth Male / Novice ( White or Yellow Belt) / 7 & 8 year old Male - 21 kg (Day 1)
Adult Female / Brown or Black Belt /(-52/ - 57 kg combined) Adult Female COMBINED DIVISION- Youth Competitors and a Yellow Belt--- NO ARMBARS FOR THOSE PLAYERS--- — (Day 1)
Youth Male / Novice ( White or Yellow Belt) / 9 & 10 year old Male - 33 kg Split Division — (Day 1)
(Youth Male/ Novice/White or Yellow Belt/7 & 8 year old Male -27 Split Division (Day 1)
Youth Male / Novice ( White or Yellow Belt) / 7 & 8 year old Male - 21 kg (Day 1)
Youth Male / Novice ( White or Yellow Belt) / 5 & 6 year old Male - 22 kg Split Division — (Day 1)
Adult Male / Novice ( White and Yellow Belt) / -73 kg Adult (Day 1)
Youth Male / Novice ( White or Yellow Belt) / 7 & 8 year old Male - 21 kg (Day 1)
Youth Male / Novice ( White or Yellow Belt) / 5 & 6 year old Male - 22 kg Split Division — (Day 1)
Youth Male / Novice ( White or Yellow Belt) / 9 & 10 year old Male - 33 kg Split Division — (Day 1)
(Youth Male/ Novice/White or Yellow Belt/7 & 8 year old Male -27 Split Division (Day 1)
Youth Male / Novice ( White or Yellow Belt) / 5 & 6 year old Male - 22 kg Split Division — (Day 1)
Youth Male / Novice ( White or Yellow Belt) / 9 & 10 year old Male - 33 kg Split Division — (Day 1)
Adult Male / Novice ( White and Yellow Belt) / +100 kg Adult Combined division — (Day 1)
Youth Female / Novice ( White or Yellow Belt) / 5 & 6 year old Female - 18 kg (Day 1)
Youth Male / Novice ( White or Yellow Belt) / 9 & 10 year old Male - 33 kg Split Division — (Day 1)
Adult Male / Intermediate ( Orange, Green, and Blue Belts) / +100 kg Adult (Day 1)
(Youth Male/ Novice/White or Yellow Belt/7 & 8 year old Male -27 Split Division (Day 1)
Adult Female / Intermediate / - 70 kg Adult Female combined division -63/-70 — (Day 1)
Youth Male / Novice ( White or Yellow Belt) / 9 & 10 year old Male - 33 kg Split Division — (Day 1)
Youth Male / Novice ( White or Yellow Belt) / 5 & 6 year old Male - 22 kg Split Division — (Day 1)
Adult Male / Novice ( White and Yellow Belt) / +100 kg Adult Combined division — (Day 1)
Youth Male / Novice ( White or Yellow Belt) / 5 & 6 year old Male - 22 kg Split Division — (Day 1)
(Youth Male/ Novice/White or Yellow Belt/7 & 8 year old Male -27 Split Division (Day 1)
Youth Female / Novice ( White or Yellow Belt) / 9 & 10 year old Female - 25 kg (Day 1)
Youth Male / Novice ( White or Yellow Belt) / 9 & 10 year old Male - 33 kg Split Division — (Day 1)
Youth Female / Novice ( White or Yellow Belt) / 5 & 6 year old Female - 18 kg (Day 1)